Cookies policy

Cookies policy

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by the user send directly to the browser, where it is stored and then transmitted to the same sites the next time they visit the same user. In this policy, in accordance with art. 13 of the data protection Regulation GDPR 679/16, compliance with the measure # 229 of 2014 of the guarantor for the protection of personal data, we inform you on how to collect this data, for what purposes and what his rights are.

Our site uses cookies exclusively for statistical purposes and performance. Cookies help our site to provide you with a better experience. Some are necessary for its proper functioning (essential cookies) and without them it would not be possible to use some features of this site. Other cookies are used to collect information, in the aggregate and anonymous, on the number of users and how they visit the site (cookies of performance). Our site uses cookies to enhance navigation, track sessions and performance of the site, through Google Analytics. This analysis tool of Google helps website owners understand how visitors interact with the site content. Google Analytics uses a cookie set to collect information and generate web site usage statistics without personal identification of individuals.

In addition, our site also uses third-party cookies to use interactions with social networks. For more information about third-party cookies and how the third party uses the information they collect, please use the links below or contact the relevant third party. Link to Information:

Google Google's Policy

Google(Analytics) Google's Policy

Twitter Twitter Policy

Google (Youtube) Google's Policy

Facebook Facebook Policy

If you have any doubts or concerns about the use of cookies, you can always take action to prevent them from being set and read, for example by changing the privacy settings in your browser to block certain types of cookies. For more information, write to

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